What Causes Neck and Shoulder Pain During Pregnancy?
A woman's body changes a lot throughout pregnancy, resulting in problems like pain, vomiting, and more. Shoulder and neck pain are typical responses of the body during pregnancy. An estimated...

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): How To Ease Pain
What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? Willis-Ekbom disease (restless legs syndrome (RLS)) or more commonly known as restless leg syndrome is a disruptor of sleep and rest. It is a neurological disorder...

Utah Business Names Zarifa USA a 2020 Emerging Business
Zarfia USA is proud to be named an Emerging Business in the Utah Business list of fastest growing companies. Each year, Utah Business recognizes the emerging and fastest growing companies in the st...

Tens Unit Placement For Sciatica
If you suffer from the pain of sciatica, you may be wondering if a TENS unit can be used for sciatica pain relief. The answer is yes. TENS units can relieve sciatica pain—even the radiating, shoot...

They can come out of nowhere: one moment you’re fine, and the next a spot of painful muscle tension is aching in your shoulder blades. What Are Muscle Knots Most commonly referred to as muscle kno...

How to Use a Muscle Gun for Knots
We have all experienced muscle tightness and soreness at some point. Excruciating or uncomfortable pain in your muscles usually means you have a knot. You might be familiar with the word knot,...

How to Reduce Calf Pain: Causes | Treatments
In your day-to-day life, the lower part of your legs suffers a lot. And in result, they start hurting. Calf pain is thought to be caused by a cramp or pressure on the muscle. However, it may often ...

Heated Portable Back Massager For Your Car
Massager Seat for Car: Heated Portable Back Massager If you are a person whose job involves delivering items by vehicle or if you spend a lot of time driving for any other purpose, you probably kno...

What Is A TENS Unit ? Benefits | Side Effects | Pain Relief
What Is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation And Does It Work? Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a type of pain relief therapy in which low-voltage electrical impulses ar...

Tens unit | Benefits | Uses | Precautions | Pain Reliefs | Features
What Is A TENS Unit ? Benefits | Side Effects | Pain Relief What Is A TENS Unit And Does It Work? Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy in which low-voltage electric...

THE DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition in which your immune system attacks the tissues in your joints. Your immune system believes that healthy tissu...

Who does arthritis affect the most? There are a few main categories of people that are at more of a risk of contracting severe arthritis.Though arthritis can happen to just about anyone, the...

All My Joints Hurt - The Ultimate Guide to Arthritis
Managing Joint Pain: A Comprehensive Guide to Living with Arthritis Arthritis is a disease driven by assumption. Not many people know that arthritis isn’t a singular disease. “Arthritis” is an...

Best Known Treatment for Arthritis
People say arthritis is an incurable disease as if there is no relief available, but there are ways to lessen the chronic pain that comes with it. Arthritis treatment involves various methods for m...

Arthritis Care: From Natural Remedies to Advanced Treatments
People say arthritis is an incurable disease as if there is no arthritis treatment available, but there are ways to lessen the chronic pain. There are a variety of ways to treat arthritis in...

Understanding Alcoholic Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
ALCOHOLIC NEUROPATHY Alcohol is toxic to the tissues that create your nerves. It is not unusual for people who drink regularly and often to start feeling pains and tingling in their limbs....

Do you have shooting pain starting from your lower back down to your calf, foot, or even toes? Then you may need sciatica treatment. Sciatica typically affects the lower back, butt, leg, or fo...

WHAT IS NEUROPATHY? Neuropathy refers to the condition that affects the activity of nerves in your peripheral nervous system. This is a network of nerves that connects your brain and spina...

How To Use Zarifa For Pain Management
Precautions Zarifa USA specializes in Our IQ TENS / EMS Units. They are Class II medical devices that are approved and licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration. Side effects entailed to a TE...

Pain is the body’s natural response to something being wrong inside. Pain is an indication that a solution is needed and regardless of whether the pain is short-term or longer-lasting, the pro...

Zarifa digital pulse massagers (or EMS Units) massage, rejuvenate, build, and stimulate muscles. Whether you’re an office worker or a professional athlete, our Digital Pulse Massagers can bene...

Tens Unit Therapy for Sciatica Pain
If you suffer from sciatica, the TENS unit therapy can help you reduce pain and get you back to your life. Sciatica is a nerve-related condition that can cause potentially debilitating pain. ...

TENS Unit: Effective Relief for Tennis Elbow This article delves into the origins, signs, and different remedies for tennis elbow—a type of repetitive strain injury resulting from forearm muscle...

Sciatica has become a misnomer in modern times. The term refers to inflammation of the sciatic nerve and is characterized by excruciating pain arising in the buttocks and leg region. However, many ...