
5 Tips for Reducing Postpartum Back Pain

5 Tips for Reducing Postpartum Back Pain

Nobody wants to care for a newborn and deal with postpartum back pain. What a horrible combination! Unfortunately, back pain is a common ailment after giving birth. All of your organs shift during pregnancy, and labor strains your muscles. If you’re suffering from postpartum back pain, these five tips will help provide some relief.

Relax, Relax, Relax

It takes a lot for your body to give birth. You experience quite a few changes, and you’re learning how to take care of a newborn. It’s time to take a break by setting aside time each day to relax. Receive some relief from the tension and soreness by taking good care of yourself.

While the baby naps or your partner or family member supports the baby, take a soak in the tub to put some moist heat on the pain. You could also make an appointment with a massage therapist to help release tight muscles. Remember to take deep breaths to help ease the pain.

For relief at home, you can use a back or neck massager. Have your partner run the massager over the tight areas on the lowest setting.

Gentle Postpartum Exercises

Though moving around is probably the last thing you’re interested in, a gentle workout can help relieve your back pain. These exercises will strengthen your core and aid in postpartum recovery.

Start easy with short walks around the block or on the treadmill. It’s usually safe to begin walks quickly after giving birth. Start introducing more gentle exercises, such as pelvic tilts, after getting the “okay” from your doctor. Stretching and yoga will help, too.

Don’t Forget About Good Posture

Poor posture strains your muscles. Invest in a comfortable chair to sit in while feeding your baby. Crouch down to pick up objects off the floor instead of bending over. Avoid picking up heavy items, as you don’t want to stress your back.

Talk To Your Doctor

If the pain is completely unbearable, make an appointment to discuss solutions with your doctor. They could send you to a physical therapist or provide other pain-coping strategies. These options can help you effectively manage your symptoms.

Use Back Supports

A lot of back pain is due to a lack of support. Strategically place pillows while sitting or lying down to support your arms and back. Try to avoid standing for long periods. But if you have to stand, use a step stool or flat object to help shift weight off your back, and place one foot on the item and one on the floor.

If you’re suffering from postpartum back pain, use the above tips to get some relief. Caring for a newborn is hard work, and you shouldn’t have to deal with pain.


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