
Are Massage Devices Effective?

Are Massage Devices Effective?

With the increasing statistic of over one million United States Americans suffering from chronic pain each year, Zarifa USA aims to assist and provide relief to all we can without using addictive substances such as opioids. Our commitment is to aid this significant portion of the population in pain relief through easily accessible products that deliver positive medical results. 

Furthermore, we aim to support pain sufferers through difficult times and provide a positive, drug-free massage therapy experience. There is a better way!

The Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research recently published a study that showed percussive therapy (i.e., massage gun) is as effective as an actual massage. Apart from facilitating post-workout recovery, massage guns can also be used before starting an intense workout to warm up muscles.

Vibrational movements from the recovery Z-Smart Massage Guns provide powerful pain relief through deep tissue massage. The effects of deep tissue massage on pain relief are well documented. You can read more about those effects here.

Muscle Pain relief results in speedier recovery times for most athletes and is a result of the percussive action of our massage gun. The result is an improved range of motion, pain relief, muscle fatigue relief, and soreness relief. Our FSA-eligible massage guns are designed to provide these pain relief features to any part of your body. In addition, unlike a traditional shiatsu massager, our massage gun can pinpoint any area of concern.

Some facts and statistics found about chronic pain are below:

About 20.4 percent of U.S. adults had chronic pain (defined as pain on most days or every day in the past three months).

About 7.4 percent of U.S. adults had high-impact chronic pain (defined as chronic pain that limited their life or work activities on most days or every day for the past three months).

We’d like to share a story about a customer who was middle-aged, and had dealt with chronic pain for years. Every day was a struggle just to get out of bed and face the day with pain. They tried every kind of remedy, from over-the-counter drugs to physical therapy, but nothing seemed to make much of a difference. 

In fact, some of the physical therapy sessions worked somewhat on a particular area but aggravated and made other areas worse. When they heard about massage devices being a potential option, they were skeptical but decided to give it a try. 

After just a few weeks of using the device, they were amazed at the results, as they found the much-needed relief from the pain and was now able to get out of bed each day with a significantly diminished pain level. 

In this article, we will explore how massage devices can be an effective way to treat chronic pain and how they can provide relief to those who suffer from it. 

Is there any science behind massage guns?

Of course, yes, there is much science behind the effectiveness of a massage gun, and it is complex yet fascinating. Starting with understanding how the device works and what it does to your body, massage guns use vibrations, or percussions, to stimulate the muscles and fascia, which helps improve circulation and reduce pain. These vibrations penetrate deep into the tissues while relieving muscle tension, knots, and soreness.

Vibrations created by the massage gun also increase the production of endorphins – the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins are released when the body experiences physical or emotional stress, and their production helps to reduce pain and discomfort while also reducing stress, tension, and anxiety. 

Zarifa’s massage guns can also help to loosen the tight fascia, reducing pain and improving mobility. Fascia is a sheet of connective tissue that wraps around, and within your muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and when it becomes too tight, it can cause pain and limit movement. Massage guns can help to loosen the fascia, allowing for an improved range of motion and reduced pain.

Finally, massage guns can help reduce muscle stiffness, often due to overactivity or a lack of activity. Muscle stiffness can cause pain and limit mobility, while massage guns can help to reduce this stiffness and improve mobility.

The backbone of Zarifa’s Massage Gun Technology is a higher amplitude - a technical term for how far the massage head extends and retracts to reach your body and deliver the massage. Our Massage Guns incorporate 16mm of amplitude for maximum coverage.


Is there any science behind massage guns?

Of course, yes, there is much science behind the effectiveness of a massage gun, and it is complex yet fascinating. Starting with understanding how the device works and what it does to your body, massage guns use vibrations, or percussions, to stimulate the muscles and fascia, which helps improve circulation and reduce pain. These vibrations penetrate deep into the tissues while relieving muscle tension, knots, and soreness.

Vibrations created by the massage gun also increase the production of endorphins – the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins are released when the body experiences physical or emotional stress, and their production helps to reduce pain and discomfort while also reducing stress, tension, and anxiety. 

Zarifa’s massage guns can also help to loosen the tight fascia, reducing pain and improving mobility. Fascia is a sheet of connective tissue that wraps around, and within your muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and when it becomes too tight, it can cause pain and limit movement. Massage guns can help to loosen the fascia, allowing for an improved range of motion and reduced pain.

Finally, massage guns can help reduce muscle stiffness, often due to overactivity or a lack of activity. Muscle stiffness can cause pain and limit mobility, while massage guns can help to reduce this stiffness and improve mobility.

The backbone of Zarifa’s Massage Gun Technology is a higher amplitude - a technical term for how far the massage head extends and retracts to reach your body and deliver the massage. Our Massage Guns incorporate 16mm of amplitude for maximum coverage.


Massage therapy for pain relief

Decades of research have demonstrated the efficacy of massage therapy for relieving chronic pain and its value in reducing the need for opioids. However, pain, especially chronic pain, can be challenging to treat.

Harvard published a study Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice that showed a reduction in hand pain and an improvement in grip strength among people who had four weekly hand massage sessions and did self-massage at home. They also slept better and had less anxiety and depression than people in the control group who didn’t receive hand massages. 

The Zarifa Health+ Massage Gun massagers provide instant relief where you need it most. They pack a punch without much effort, don’t require a sizeable footprint like a full-body massage chair, and won’t break the bank. Where you point the device is where you’ll discover instant pain relief. 

The Harvard study states, “Massage used to be considered an indulgence, but it’s now recognized as a legitimate therapy for some painful conditions,”. And is precisely why all of Zarifa’s massage products, excluding accessories (replacement parts, chargers, leather care kits), are available to purchase with your HSA/FSA accounts.

What is the science behind percussive therapy?

Percussion massage increases the circulation of blood and the flow of lymph. The stimulation of nerve receptors causes the blood vessels to dilate, facilitating blood flow. The direct mechanical effect of rhythmical pressure and movement used in percussion massage can dramatically increase the blood flow rate. 

Percussive massage helps distribute the thickened fascia fluid to relieve your pressure and tightness. In addition, repeated pressure at high speed thins the fluids, making the fascia more pliable so your muscle can move more easily and efficiently. Let’s discuss this a bit further with some examples below:

Mobilization of Soft Tissue: Percussive therapy helps to loosen and release tension in the soft tissue, allowing for a more pain-free range of motion.

Trigger Point Release: Percussive therapy helps release trigger points, or knots in the muscles, leading to pain relief.

Increased Circulation: The vibrations from percussive therapy can increase circulation to the soft tissue, relieving pain and soreness.

Reduced Muscle Spasms: Percussive therapy’s vibrations can help reduce muscle spasms, relieving pain.

Improved Flexibility: Percussive therapy increases the flexibility of the muscles and joints, resulting in an improved range of motion.

Reduced Lactic Acid Buildup: The vibrations from percussive therapy can help reduce lactic acid buildup in the muscles, resulting in faster recovery times.

Improved Athletic Performance: Percussive therapy can help to improve an athlete’s performance by improving their range of motion and reducing fatigue.

Improved Sleep Quality: Percussive therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality.

Increased Relaxation: The vibrations from percussive therapy can help to relax the body, resulting in a decrease in stress and tension.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Percussive therapy can help to reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more relaxed state of mind.

Does a massage gun break up fascia?

Massage guns use percussive therapy to pulse targeted pressure into your muscles at speed, helping break up scar tissue, release the fascia, and treat muscle and tendon conditions. So yes, based on what we discussed above, massage guns, with their percussive therapy, can break up the fascia effectively.

What does releasing fascia mean?

The term “fascial” refers to the connective tissue that cover and support muscles throughout the entire body. During myofascial release therapy, the therapist does not just focus specifically on your muscles, instead, they focus on releasing tension in the fascial tissues.

Myofascial release (MFR) is a type of manual therapy that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to “unstick” the tissue and eliminate pain. Myofascial release aims to reduce pain, restore range of motion and improve both function and posture.

The myofascial release consists of gentle, sustained pressure applied at a depth determined by the client’s tolerance and the therapist’s assessment. The pressure is maintained for a period of time to allow the fascia to release and restore a more normal length and tension. 

The therapist uses their hands, fingers, and elbows (or massage gun) to work the soft tissue and release the fascial restrictions. The amount of pressure and the timing of the pressure are tailored to the needs and comfort level of the sufferer.

Myofascial release can be used to treat a variety of conditions, such as: 

  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • TMJ
  • Whiplash
  • Improve flexibility and posture

Myofascial release can be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, such as massage, chiropractic, and physical therapy. In addition, it is often used in rehabilitation to treat injuries, reduce inflammation and improve circulation.

Are massage guns good for fascia release?

Massaging the fascia with a Zarifa massage gun can help relieve pain by breaking up adhesions, or knots, in the tissue. In addition, the gun produces short, powerful bursts of air that help to loosen the fascia and improve blood flow, helping to reduce inflammation and pain in the surrounding muscles and joints.

Myofascial release is a safe and effective form of manual therapy that can relieve pain, restore range of motion and improve overall function. It can be used alone or in combination with other forms of therapy to help improve overall health and wellbeing.

For example, a TENS device can also help release fascial adhesions. TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is a form of electrical stimulation used to relieve pain. The TENS unit sends tiny electrical impulses through electrodes placed on the skin. These impulses stimulate the nerve endings, which can reduce pain and help relax the muscles. 

Electrical stimulation also helps stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. In addition, the electrical stimulation can help increase blood flow to the area, which can help reduce inflammation and aid in releasing fascial adhesions.

The Iq Massager Pro VI model of Zarifa comes with several massage modes from our TENS and EMS units. The best part of this model is that its wearable technology provides people with instant relief throughout the day. In this way, they can perform their routine tasks without medication. So, the people searching for the perfect solution for their pain must go for Zarifa.

Why do you need to release the fascia?

These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout your body. The pain usually originates from specific points within your myofascial tissues called “trigger points.” Myofascial release focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension and tightness in the trigger points.

According to the Cleveland Clinic article about myofascial release therapy, “Myofascial release therapy is a hands-on technique used to manage myofascial pain. “Myo” means muscle. “Fascial” refers to the connective tissue that covers and supports the muscles throughout your entire body. During myofascial release therapy, your therapist doesn’t focus specifically on your muscles. They focus on releasing tension in your fascial tissues. (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24011-myofascial-release-therapy)

The Cleveland Clinic explains further what fascia is, “You can think of fascia like a spider web. The stringy tissue is densely woven throughout your muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, veins and organs. Your fascia is one continuous structure throughout your body. Each part of your body is connected to it in some way. That’s why if there’s a snag in the tissue in one part of your body, it can cause pain in another part of your body,”.

Typically, fascia is flexible and stretchy. But it’s strong as it provides structural support to your body and protects your muscles. Fascia is usually able to move without any restrictions. However, when your body experiences any kind of trauma, your fascia loses its flexibility. It becomes tightened and more rigid. The tightness can lead to pain and loss of motion, which can affect your quality of life.

Myofascial release is an integral part of overall health and wellbeing. If the fascia is not released, it can decrease range of motion and increase pain. If the fascia remains tight and rigid, it can pull on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, leading to strains and sprains. In addition, the fascia may become thick and fibrous, leading to a decrease in circulation, inflammation, and a decrease in the ability of the body to heal itself, potentially leading to further pain and a decrease in the body’s ability to move and function properly.

Myofascial release can help to restore the body’s natural balance, allowing for pain relief and increased range of motion. It can also help to improve posture and balance, allowing for improved overall performance and decreased risk of injury. 

Myofascial release can also help to reduce inflammation, improve circulation and increase flexibility. Myofascial release can be beneficial to both athletes and non-athletes alike. For athletes, it can help to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. For non-athletes, myofascial release can help to reduce pain and improve overall quality of life.

Myofascial release can be done by a qualified professional or self-administered. Self-administered myofascial release can be done using foam rollers, massage balls, or other massage tools. It is important to remember to use a light touch and go slowly when doing self-administered myofascial release, as too much pressure can cause more harm than good.

Benefits from fascial therapy

To reiterate and list for your convenience, below is a list of potential benefits from fascial therapy:

  • Improved posture
  • Better flexibility
  • Improved circulation
  • Better joint health
  • Pain reduction
  • Weight loss
  • Improved recovery time
  • Improved energy

Where are myofascial trigger points located?

Trigger points develop in the myofascial, mainly in the center of a muscle belly where the motor endplate enters (primary or central TrPs). Those are palpable nodules within the tight muscle at the size of 2-10 mm and can demonstrate at different places in any body’s skeletal muscles. We all have TrPs in the body.

A myofascial trigger point is a hyperirritable spot, usually within a taut band of skeletal muscle, which is painful on compression and can give rise to characteristic referred pain, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena.

Characteristic referred pain

Referred pain is pain perceived at a location other than the site of the painful stimulus/ origin. It is the result of a network of interconnecting sensory nerves that supply many different tissues.

Motor dysfunction

Motor impairment is the partial or total loss of function of a body part, usually a limb or limbs, and may result in muscle weakness, poor stamina, lack of muscle control, or total paralysis.

Autonomic phenomena

Autonomic neuropathy occurs when there is damage to the nerves that control automatic body functions. For example, it can affect blood pressure, temperature control, digestion, bladder function, and even sexual function.

Are massage devices effective?

In summary, massage devices effectively relieve and manage chronic pain, improve circulation and athletic performance, reduce muscle tension, release fascial adhesions, and improve mobility. 

They use percussive therapy to pulse targeted pressure into muscles and help break up scar tissue and knots, while increasing circulation and reducing inflammation.

The science behind massage guns is clear; massage devices do provide a number of beneficial results for those suffering from chronic pain.

Specifically, Zarifa’s massage devices provide instant relief and can be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy to help improve overall health and wellbeing.


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