
Massage Gun for Wrist Pain

Massage Gun for Wrist Pain

Your wrist is a complex structure composed of hard and soft tissues. Ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones work in synchrony to allow the wrist to move and bear weight. 

Wrist pain or discomfort can seriously hamper your ability to hold and grip. Luckily, massage guns can help relieve wrist pain.

Read more: What is Percussive Therapy and How Does it Help Your Muscles?

Causes of wrist pain

There are multiple causes of wrist pain. The following are some actions and conditions that can lead to aching in the hand and wrist region.

Excessive weight lifting

Many athletes have reported that weightlifting causes wrist pain. Lifting weights is a great way to attain a strong body. However, some maneuvers can lead to unbearable pain. Excessive weight lifting is one proven cause of hand and wrist tendinopathies.

The causes of wrist pain after weight lifting include:

  • Improper form 
  • Lifting weights heavier than your load-bearing capacity 
  • Working out too much 
  • Working out even after sustaining an acute injury 

Amateurs often focus on the weight and reps before the form. This is why they often develop wrist pain early on. Seasoned veterans of the gym usually understand the importance of form. However, they can also suffer from wrist pain.

Excessive lifting causes wrist pain

CrossFit workouts

Fitness fanatics who go the extra mile to build strength often take up CrossFit workouts. Olympic weightlifters and CrossFitters have a greater propensity to acquire injuries such as wrist pain. The high-intensity exercises put you a step closer to wrist conditions. According to a 2021 study, CrossFit athletes are more prone to developing hand and wrist pain.

The soft tissue injuries in CrossFit men were common in the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, a study suggests. The causes of these wrist syndromes in CrossFit athletes include the following:

  • Dorsal wrist impingement 
  • Scaphoid impaction syndrome 
  • Distal radius stress fracture 

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common cause of wrist pain and affects 3-6% of adults. Wrist pain arises due to the impingement of one of the three major nerves in the forearm.

Pinched nerves lead to pain, burning, or tingling in the hands and wrists. The following are groups at a greater risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Obese 
  • Wrist overusers 
  • Pregnant ladies 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis patients 
  • People with a family history of the disease


Different forms of arthritis can lead to wrist pain. Major forms of arthritis that can cause wrist pain include the following:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Wrist joint degeneration is common in rheumatoid arthritis patients. According to a longitudinal study, total wrist arthroplasty appears in a significant number of cases of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Wrist joint pain carries value in diagnosing the extent and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.


A degenerative disease that occurs in old age is known as osteoarthritis. Increased friction between bones of the wrist joint can lead to swelling and persistent pain. 

Gouty arthritis

Excessive uric acid in the blood can lead to the deposition of urate crystals in the joints. The main deposit sites of the crystals are the big toes, fingers, and wrist joints. 


Falls, roadside accidents, and sports injuries can cause muscle sprains. The severing of ligaments and muscles may be the cause of wrist aches. However, in severe cases, it is an underlying fracture that causes pain. 

Massage therapy for wrist pain 

Whatever the cause of wrist pain, massage therapy has shown promising results in providing relief. Massage therapy for wrist pain is a pretty effective, non-invasive treatment. Massage therapy targets wrist pain from all sides. 

study revealed that deep friction massage can help relieve pain symptoms in athletes. CrossFit athletes and other athletes can take full advantage of massage therapy. 

Deep friction massage also helps improve the range of motion of the wrist. When combined with taping, deep friction massage can significantly decrease wrist pain and improve muscle strength. Splinting and massage therapy combination can provide good results in subsiding symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Moderate pressure massage given to rheumatoid arthritis patients improves their range of motion and reduces wrist pain. Massage therapy also effectively reduces hand arthritis pain.

Many studies prove that massage improves blood flow. Therefore, massage therapy can also heal and recover from a wrist injury. A randomized controlled trial concluded that massage reduces hyperalgesia and improves pain perception.

Massage gun for wrist pain

Frequent visits to a massage therapist are not always possible. Therefore, the best way to get consistent massage treatments is to get a massage gun. Massage guns for wrist pain work well. 

According to a study, a massage gun is critical for athletes and weight lifters, two groups prone to wrist pain and injury. Its percussion massage therapy can increase the range of motion and reduce muscle soreness. 

A massage gun extends the same effects as a manual hand massage:

  • Relief from muscle tension 
  • Alleviation of wrist pain 
  • Improvement in circulation 
  • Increase in range of motion

You can find the best massage guns for wrist pain at ZarifaUSA by clicking here

The bottom line 

Wrist pain is an activity-limiting condition. Several of underlying causes are associated with wrist pain. Nerve impingement of carpal tunnel syndrome can cause numbness and tingling in addition to wrist pain. Athletes and weightlifters - especially CrossFit athletes - are more prone to pain and injury in the wrist joint. Arthritis patients and those with wrist injuries also complain of swelling and pain in the wrist. 

The ultimate solution to wrist pain is massage therapy. Massage guns save time, money, and effort all while providing pain relief. 

All Zarifa USA products are HSA and FSA-eligible. This means you can contribute your health savings funds towards the purchase of any of our products!


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